Friday, April 30, 2021

Last Ride on the Green Wave - April

I can't believe we are at the end of the academic year. It seems just we just started. Where did the time go? I finally got my results back from the NBME exam. I did better than I expected. Everyone has presented and we finally finished Why Don't Zebra's Get Ulcers? in endocrine class. The whole book focuses on stress and Sapolsky explains everything in a way that makes you question your way of thinking. If you're reading this and can't decide what to read next, I highly suggest that book. I really enjoyed that class because the presentations every week allowed me to see how my cohorts interpreted the book and how it relates to our lives. This month we only had one last exam for Cell Control. I did really well on that. 

As for volunteering, I continue to spend 4 hours every Sunday at Crescent City Farmers Market. I have made so many new friends just from volunteering there. It has gotten to the point where I know whose in the car for drive-thru pickup just by looking at the car model and color. 

As I type this blog post, I'm starting to feel a little sad. It's hitting me now that this is the end. It's bittersweet. I am thankful for my classmates. To be honest, I assumed that I wouldn't develop relationships with my classmates since majority of work is online. I am happy to say that I have made life-long friendships. From the start to where we are now, I have seen how I have grown a student and a person. I hold the city of New Orleans close to my heart for giving me memories that I'll never forget. I'm so glad to be apart of the Tulane family and for those applying to Tulane School of Medicine, I hope we see each other again. 

Hours: 12

Total: 35.15