Tuesday, March 30, 2021

March Madness


The title of this blog post is literally the only way I could describe the month of March. We have completed two module exams this month: Neurology & Psychiatry. To be honest, even though there was a lot of material to cover, these two modules were my favorite. I think because of that I was able to do so well on the exams.

 Aside from exams, I also had two presentations this month. The first one was presented with Jennifer and A'lelia in Neuropharmacology. We decided to present on Multiple Sclerosis since March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. Preparing for this presentation was very stressful because I know what Dr. Mostany expects from us. It's easy to analyze and present a manuscript in a way that my cohorts can understand, but it's difficult trying to prepare for questions beyond the presented research that you don't have much knowledge on. It was tough, but I think because I looked at it as a challenge to overcome, I was able push through. The second presentation was with Rubel and we covered stress and memory in Endocrine Pharmacology. What I like about this course and preparing for our presentation is that it is self-directed learning. We get to discuss a topic each week and then present on a subtopic that further goes into what we discussed that week. I wanted to get my presentations out the way so I could have a clear schedule to study for the NBME exam on April 1st. I created a study plan of going through each module and then taking Pharmwiki quizzes afterwards. Once I have gone through each module, I take NBME practice questions to get a better understanding of the format and what to expect on the exam. I will say this: MNEMONICS are my best friends right now!!!! ( Shoutout to "SLUDGE").

As for volunteering, every Sunday this month I volunteered at Crescent City Farmers Market. I have been volunteering at the market for so long now that I know who's in the car just by looking at the model when it pulls up! Last Sunday had over 200 customers, but I did manage to get a picture with our program's very own Dr. John McLachlan! I like working at the farmers market because it's a great way to meet the great people of New Orleans and support our local farmers. Small businesses are the backbone of our country and this market is a local solution to helping them survive during this pandemic. One of my favorite vendors is Tomott's. They make the best strawberry jam I have ever had!

Typing this blog post was a "break" from studying for the NBME......back into my study corner I go. 

Hours: 12

Total: 23.15